An On-Line workshop with Damon Sean Dickinson
Trauma Healing through Reparenting the Self
Discover thriving, aliveness, and the deepest of healing through the gentle, accessible, and effective...
Life Updates February 2024
Past, Present, and FutureA Snapshot & Personal Update
February 2024
I’ve had so many changes in my life over the past year. I’m not much of a “share-er” on social media and my process tends...
Death & Dying in Community Workshop-Feb 20-22
In collaboration with the FIC (Foundation for Intentional Community)
Death & Dying in Community
Join end-of-life educator Lee Warren for a 2-part exploration of end of life literacy, death...
Moving Away from Appropriation of Death Traditions to Reclaim our own Lineage and History
As a third generation American of European descent I recall feeling surprise when I realized that others identify me as “white.” My family, descending from Italian and Eastern European ancestry, came...
When will you die? Are you prepared?
When will you die? Are you prepared?
Will you die this week? Or next month? Or in a year?
Are you prepared?
What does it even mean (to you) to be prepared?
Do you you have your beneficiaries in...
Tantra Cohort 2024, An 8 Month Transformational Experiment, Postponed for Now
For intermediate and advanced practitioners
Tantra CoHort 2024
An 8 Month Transformational Experiment
Training. Laboratory. Mentorship.
February through September 2024.
Asheville, NC. Invite...
The Tantric Vision by Sam Keen
From The Passionate Life: Stages of Loving
Tantra, Tantric Yoga, or Kundalini Yoga is an ancient philosophy and practice linking sexuality and consciousness that has appeared in widely separated times...
What is Embodied Dying? And other cool musings…..
What is Embodied Dying?
During a recent conversation I found myself saying the phrase “embodied dying.” Since that phrase...
Embodied Dying—How becoming embodied can open us up to all the mysteries of life and death.
Embodied Dying
How becoming embodied can open us up to all the mysteries of life and death.
“As we embrace the certainty of our own death we start to taste the ecstasy of impermanence. Instead...
The Pros & Cons of Community Living—Finding Right Relationship to the Collective with Lee Waren
A Conversation with Lee Warren & Cynthia Tina of Community Finders
The Pros & Cons of Community Living
Finding Right Relationship to the Collective
Video Replay of Lee’s Talk at...
Reclaiming Death & Dying in Community—2 Part Series
In collaboration with the FIC (Foundation for Intentional Community)
Reclaiming Death & Dying in Community
Join end-of-life educator Lee Warren for a 2-part exploration of end of life literacy,...
Embodied Awakening Conference—May 5-11, 2023
May 5-11, 2023
Embodied Awakening Conference
6 Days, 10,000 Participants, 40 Presenters
Join Lee Warren & Mary Lane for a special interview and presentation. Free to register.