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Earth-Friendly Burials

The Rise of Alternative Burial Options

Historically, most burials before the mid-19th century were what we now consider “green” or “eco-friendly.” These practices are not revolutionary but rather a return to traditions that honor the earth and our place within it. Today, as we become more conscious of our environmental impact, many are rediscovering these ancient methods, finding them not only more sustainable but deeply meaningful.

Here are some reasons why individuals are choosing alternative burial methods:

Death is an invitation to keep your heart open


Traditional funerals can be exorbitantly expensive. Green burials and conservation burials often reduce costs significantly by eliminating the need for expensive caskets, vaults, and chemical preservatives. This financial accessibility allows families to focus on honoring the deceased without the burden of excessive expenses. 

Ecological Responsibility:

Alternative burials emphasize minimal environmental impact. By using biodegradable materials and avoiding toxic chemicals, these burials ensure that the final act of laying someone to rest does not harm the earth. Moreover, conservation burials incorporate land preservation, contributing to the maintenance of natural habitats and ensuring that each burial site remains a sanctuary for wildlife and greenery.

Spiritual Meaning:

Many find that a return to simpler, nature-focused burial practices aligns with a spiritual connection to the earth. There is profound comfort in knowing that one’s final resting place will nurture the land, contributing to the cycle of life rather than detracting from it. This choice often reflects a broader desire to live—and leave—a legacy that respects our planet.

In addition my orientation towards at home death care, my commitment to ecological stewardship and a reciprocal relationship with Earth deeply influences my advocacy for these practices. Personally, I want my death to enhance life (and soil health) instead of contributing to environment damage.

These practices also bring death back into the circle of community and family life where it historically belonged. They allow us to reclaim a more hands-on approach to death care, reminiscent of ancient traditions where death was an integral part of community life.

Author: Lee Warren

Lee Warren is a death and tantra educator, somatic guide, writer, mystic, and community builder.  Lee’s work delves into the intimate relationship between our physical existence and the mysteries of life and death. She teaches how embracing the certainty of our mortality can transform fear into profound gratitude and ecstatic embodiment.

Why do we want to be more embodiment? Because that’s where divine intelligence lives. Consciousness is in every cell of our being and it’s waiting to be enlivened. 

Her rich and varied experiences—from three decades of ecovillage living and the practice of sustainable agriculture to her devotional Tantric path—prime her for sharing the teachings of the life/death/life mysteries.

Explore More Blogs on Conscious Dying

Author: Lee Warren

Lee Warren is a death and tantra educator, somatic guide, writer, mystic, and community builder.  Lee’s work delves into the intimate relationship between our physical existence and the mysteries of life and death. She teaches how embracing the certainty of our mortality can transform fear into profound gratitude and ecstatic embodiment.

Why do we want to be more embodiment? Because that’s where divine intelligence lives. Consciousness is in every cell of our being and it’s waiting to be enlivened. 

Her rich and varied experiences—from three decades of ecovillage living and the practice of sustainable agriculture to her devotional Tantric path—prime her for sharing the teachings of the life/death/life mysteries.

End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course:

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Lee Warren

Death & Tantra Educator
End-of-Life Preparation Coach
Caregiver Support Ally

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