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End of Life Planning & Paperwork Workshop

An On-Line workshop with Damon Sean Dickinson

Trauma Healing through Reparenting the Self

Discover thriving, aliveness, and the deepest of healing through the gentle, accessible, and effective art of Becoming Your Own LOVING PARENT!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

10am to 1pm

This is an online workshop using Zoom.

The Importance of Reparenting…

Healing The Past

Unhealed traumas from our past form defense patterns that lead to fragmentation. Yet these wounded parts are longing for integration. And our adult selves are wanting to thrive instead of just survive. We know that healing is possible, we’re just not always sure how. 

Loving Parent Approach

The deepest possible healing is available through the gentle and effective art of reparenting our wounded inner parts. It is an empowering, accessible, affordable process that touches the core of these patterns and truly transforms them. 


We learn how to become integrated, alive, and harmonious adults capable of a strong sense of inner wellness, thriving relationships, and ease around offering our gifts to the world.  

When we integrate and heal the wounded parts of us, we become our true essence:  present, empowered, and alive; with less and less reliance on distraction, addiction, and repetition of our trauma patterns.

Trauma Healing Begins Here

Our definition of trauma is ‘any experience that we cannot integrate.’ Complex trauma is often defined as repeated unintegrated and unresolved experiences.

For many of us growing up in under resourced and ill-equipped households, within the context of a toxic cultural framework, we have a myriad of experiences that we have not integrated.

Trauma causes us to disconnect from our essence, from core and important parts of ourselves. Over time, these parts become “disowned” and fragmentation is the result.

Instead of moving through the world with our innate wisdom, delightful embodiment, and connection with our divinity in tact, we struggle with self sabotage in the form of insecurity, disassociation, codependence, abuse (to self and others), shame and blame, codependence, anxiety, rage, and more. 

Oftentimes these adaptive strategies lead to habitual negative coping strategies that manifest as addictions and ongoing patterns of trauma in our adult lives.

Fortunately, we possess the ability to heal this cycle of dysfunction. The solution is to become our own loving parent.

Thankfully this is an elegant and accessible healing modality. Once we learn the formula, we can begin to befriend every part of ourselves and reintegrate parts of us that have been wanting to “come home” to the self. 

This beginner workshop is for any level of experience with personal growth. Folks new to inner work will gain from learning to befriend their fragmented parts. And those that have plenty of experience will benefit from adding this crucial skill to their toolkit that enhances all other modalities.

“We can reparent not because we “have to” or because we want to get rid of the pain, but because it is the kindest response to pain.”

~Loving Parent Guidebook

ACA Inspired & Informed

This half-day, virtual workshop is modeled on the reparenting process offered within Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional FamiliesACA is a 12 Step program that focuses on emotional sobriety.  ACA is a spiritual program, not a religious program. The only requirement for membership is a desire to recover from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional family. The program is recommended for people who have suffered abuse, neglect, abandonment, and trauma in childhood due to the behavior of addicted or dysfunctional immature parents. 

In addition to the ACA reparenting process, I will be combining embodiment  as well as self and co-regulation components. I am forever grateful to ACA for pioneering a simple, accessible, and effective format for deep healing. Read more about The Problem, The Solution,  The Laundry List (14 traits of an adult child of dysfunction), The 12 Steps of ACA, and to How to find an ACA meeting.

ACA says it best: “By growing up in a dysfunctional family many of us did not have the loving parent we desired or deserved. Becoming our own Loving Parent is at the core of healing from a neglectful childhood; it is the gateway to our Inner Child. Many adult children have never considered the idea of reparenting ourselves, but with help and support, we can do so with gentleness, humor, love and respect. Through recovery, we use reparenting to connect with ourselves and others in a healthy manner.” Taken from

Folks of all genders, orientations, backgrounds, experiences, and expressions are welcome in this workshop. 

“Becoming your own loving parent will help you discover who you truly are and live more often from your true self.”

~Loving Parent Guidebook

Instructor: Damon Sean Dickinson

Damon Sean Dickinson a decades-long practitioner of breathwork, open-heart meditation, zen, shamanism, plant medicine, and 12 step recovery. As a 6/2 Projector in Human Design, he holds a specific and unique role as a mentor, guide, and support for others to embrace their authentic self and uncover their true essence. Damon Sean works with a variety of modalities such as Sedona Method, Flower Essences, NLP, Internal Family Systems, Tantra, and the simple yet profound art of letting go. Equally at home in the physical and metaphysical worlds, Damon Sean is a true Renaissance soul – weaving his life experience into his psycho spiritual integration coaching and his ongoing experimentation as a dad, partner, friend, and community member. 

My Reparenting Story:

“Having grown up in a highly dysfunctional home I found myself coping in unhealthy ways at a very early age. In fact, by the time I was 17, I was dealing with a severe drug and alcohol addiction. Thankfully, at that same time (age 17), I found recovery through an in patient treatment center and immersed myself in the 12 steps of recovery.

Over the course of these many years, I explored a multitude of different personal and spiritual growth paths. Although I healed in many ways, I still found myself plagued with relationship, career, and financial struggles. No matter how hard I tried, I seemed to re-create the painful patterns of my past.

Through a series of major life crises, I was forced to find new modalities of healing and support, which led me to discover ACA and becoming my own loving parent.

Discovering and practicing this body of work has been one of the most pivotal healing points in my life journey and I want to be able to share it with the world. It is truly that powerful!

I continue to learn and grow as I discover my internal parts, engage with love, and bring harmony to my inner family. As a result , I am experiencing major shifts in my ability to feel inner peace clarity and becoming who I want to be in life.”

~Damon Sean

“Loving parents speak to their children gently and respectfully. They guide their children through the tiny steps of learning new things to ensure success. They cheer their children on to the next step and applaud their progress. They re-teach by breaking tasks into smaller increments so the children will succeed, tell the children how much they admire their efforts, and summarize the process the children used to do the task. Praise, not punishment and shame, is used to encourage their children.” 


Outcomes of Reparenting the Self…

When we become our own loving parent, we…..

  • transform surviving into truly thriving
  • create harmony with your Inner Family
  • cultivate our inner sense of wellbeing, experience peace in our relationships, and activate our contribution to the world
  • stay present and empowered as the healthiest version of ourselves
  • transform traumatized parts that formed protective defense patterns into liberated and alive aspects of ourselves
  • feel awareness, hopefulness, empowerment, and enthusiasm for self and life
  • experience peaceful, regulated, grounded, centered, and open-hearted loving towards self  and others

Helpful Resources

The Solution, to overcome trauma and dysfunction, as stated in the Adult Children of Alcoholics / Dysfunctional Families (ACA and ACoA) program, is to become our own loving parent.

The Loving Parent Guidebook provides step-by-step support on creating the conditions to reclaim your inner child and reparent yourself with gentleness, humor, love, and respect.

Developing your reparenting skills can change your life. 

You do NOT need to purchase this guidebook for our workshop together. You may however wish to continue your reparenting journey and may wish to use this guidebook as a support. Go here to purchase the guidebook (it’s less expensive here than on Amazon and supports the ACA movement).

Another free and very useful tool is the reparenting worksheet, which we will be using this workshop together (I will provide copies). Go here to download for free. 

“Loving parents address misbehavior by pointing out the behavior their children can change rather than shaming their children. They immediately and gently provide appropriate consequences for misbehavior. They teach their children that through honest self-evaluation, planning, hard work, and follow-through, they can accomplish most things. They teach their children to keep a healthy balance each day between work and play.”


Get Registered

For This Event


This is an Online workshop happening on Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 10am to 1pm, eastern. 

Sliding Scale:

Sliding Scale is a type of fee structure where people with more resources can pay a higher price and people with fewer resources can pay at a lower price. In this system the student determines the rate, no questions asked. There is an inherent trust, allowance, and collaboration in this system that honors both the time and experience of the teacher as well as intuition, income, and ability of the student.

That being said, PLEASE choose the highest level on the sliding scale that you can. A good rule of thumb is to pay at a price point that is a stretch but not a strain.

Grassroots educators are akin to artists and farmers: we rely on receiving a livable wage to continue to offer high quality education at an affordable price. If all students choose the lowest price point, these offerings will quickly become unsustainable. 

If you’d like to attend but don’t have the funds, please contact us via the contact information in the footer. No one turned away for lack of funds

Please Note:

There are no refunds for this workshop. Should you have an emergency, you can do a one-time transfer of your registration to another person.

Price Details:

This workshop is offered with the spirit of community in mind. The suggested price for this workshop is $30. To make it accessible and affordable, we are offering a sliding scale format. The lowest price on the scale is $10 and the highest price on the scale is $90.