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Through an Intimacy with All of Life

Free Mini-Course: 7 days of lessons
re: end-of-life preparation—for any age and stage.

Free Gift for You: An End-of-Life Preparation

I am thrilled to share a very special gift with you today – my brand new video that offers a supportive, comprehensive, step-by-step approach to end-of-life preparation.

I’ve put a LOT of time into the creation of this video and am so pleased to share it with you. I hope you it contributes to your journey of embracing the sacredness of life and death.

As you likely know, my work is dedicated to helping folks approach the topic of mortality, not with fear and avoidance, but with curiosity, reverence, and a deeper sense of embodied presence.

Death is an invitation to keep your heart open

What does the video cover?

  1. A simple, 4-part strategy that leads to understanding and empowerment around end of life issues…even if you’re reluctant, resistant, or have been avoiding the topic for years.
  2. The REAL reason why you might be confused about end of life options and isolated in your decision making. And how that’s not your fault.
  3. The three biggest mistakes I see in this preparation and a new approach that works a whole lot better.
  4. A way to become the person that is accepting and even peaceful about your own death or the death of a loved one and who experiences all the clarity and wisdom that comes along with that

Who is this video for?

It’s for humans who die.

Specifically those who are themselves in an early dying process or who are supporting a loved one to die or those who need practical tools for planning and preparing for end-of-life.

Why is this video necessary?

I find that in general most folks are struggling with lack of information, fear, and isolation that can come from navigating questions and decisions, especially in our death illiterate, death denying, and death negative culture.

What will I get out of it?

If you’ve ever wanted a step-by-step path to

  • achieve clarity about end of life wishes, 
  • acquire the knowledge, tools, and empowerment necessary to carry out those wishes, 
  • come to an ease and acceptance with a (current or future) end-of-life process, 
  • fall in love with your own precious and temporary existence.

Then you’re in luck, because that’s what the video covers.

I am offering it to you, as my way of expressing my deep gratitude for your continued support of this important work. My one request is that if you feel drawn to sharing, that you not share the direct video link, but instead share this page to friends as a starting point.

If you’ve got questions after the video or want to talk more about my upcoming Immersion Course, starting in September, please schedule a time to connect with me. 

Thanks for being on this journey of incarnation together dear friend. Let’s enjoy the richness and beauty of our embodied and sacred existence while we can!!

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Author: Lee Warren

Lee Warren is a death and tantra educator, somatic guide, writer, mystic, and community builder.  Lee’s work delves into the intimate relationship between our physical existence and the mysteries of life and death. She teaches how embracing the certainty of our mortality can transform fear into profound gratitude and ecstatic embodiment.

Why do we want to be more embodiment? Because that’s where divine intelligence lives. Consciousness is in every cell of our being and it’s waiting to be enlivened. 

Her rich and varied experiences—from three decades of ecovillage living and the practice of sustainable agriculture to her devotional Tantric path—prime her for sharing the teachings of the life/death/life mysteries.

End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course:

Click here for my: 13-week End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course information.

My free 7-day Email Mini-Course is available to enroll in here

Lee Warren

Death & Tantra Educator
End-of-Life Preparation Coach
Caregiver Support Ally

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