Free Event in Partnership with the FIC (Foundation for Intentional Community)
Using the Enneagram to Become a Better Communitarian
Learn how understanding the enneagram & your own enneatype can make you a better communitarian
July 13, 2022 12pm to 1:30pm Eastern | Online
In order to truly connect with your community, you need to start by having a solid understanding of yourself and how you operate. We invite you to start the journey of unlocking your own internal mysteries and experiencing greater liberation from the fixations of your personality in this introduction to the Enneagram.
The Enneagram offers us a roadmap that can guide our personal transformation in ways that are specific to our individual psychology. Walking this path of awakening can deepen our self awareness, enhance our relational intelligences, generate compassion for others, and drive curiosity amidst the challenges of community. Join longtime communitarian Lee Warren for a 90-minute introductory overview of the Enneagram and how it applies to life in community.
No prior Enneagram experience necessary and this information is applicable to all walks of life. This session is a taster of the upcoming Becoming a Communitarian course.
Lee Warren is reclaiming wisdom through conscious relating with self, land, and other. She has 25 years of experience envisioning, designing, and living innovative solutions to mutually empowered relationships, land-based and community living, regenerative systems, interpersonal communication, and sustainability education. She’s been living in rural intentional community since 1995 and at Earthaven Ecovillage since 2000. She is a co-founder, co-owner, and builder of the Village Terraces Cohousing Neighborhood, the co-founder and manager of Imani Farm, and the co-founder of SOIL, School of Integrated Living, whole-life skills for a radically different future. She is the principal and founder of Reclaiming Wisdom and a writer, teacher, and activist, with a passion for embodiment practices, rural wisdom, sustainable economics, conscious dying, and community of all kinds.
Author: Lee Warren
Lee Warren is a death and tantra educator, somatic guide, writer, mystic, and community builder. Lee’s work delves into the intimate relationship between our physical existence and the mysteries of life and death. She teaches how embracing the certainty of our mortality can transform fear into profound gratitude and ecstatic embodiment.
Why do we want to be more embodiment? Because that’s where divine intelligence lives. Consciousness is in every cell of our being and it’s waiting to be enlivened.
Her rich and varied experiences—from three decades of ecovillage living and the practice of sustainable agriculture to her devotional Tantric path—prime her for sharing the teachings of the life/death/life mysteries.