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Through an Intimacy with All of Life

Free Mini-Course: 7 days of lessons
re: end-of-life preparation—for any age and stage.

Let’s talk about death.

As well as the damage that’s caused when we don’t talk about death: ignorance, fear, confusion, disconnection. Not only in the face of a death journey, but also in life.

Let’s talk about paradox.

We should give ourselves a moment of compassion for knowing that in order to thrive we must hold two things at the same time.

Death is an invitation to keep your heart open
  • We need to be immersed in the body and tethered to something beyond it.
  • We need to take care of the body and let it go when the time comes. 
  • We need to aim for stability and realize temporality. 
  • We need to recognize that this adventure called life is both exquisite suffering and immense joy.

Often at the same time.

Let’s acknowledge that in order to arrive here fully, in this incarnation, we must grapple with the fact that……

life is the wild horse we came to ride.

If you want to talk about death, to learn how preparing for death makes you more alive, and you want to do that in community…..

My 13-week Deep Dive, Mystery-School, Immersion-Course on End-of-Life Preparation starts a week from today. I’m providing one final offer. If you sign up by 6pm n Friday 9/13, with this special registration link, you’ll get a private one-on-one session with me sometimes during the course. You can use this to get support for end-of-life paperwork, deepen your journey with death contemplation, or any other aspect of death contemplation that’s on your heart and mind.

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Author: Lee Warren

Lee Warren is a death and tantra educator, somatic guide, writer, mystic, and community builder.  Lee’s work delves into the intimate relationship between our physical existence and the mysteries of life and death. She teaches how embracing the certainty of our mortality can transform fear into profound gratitude and ecstatic embodiment.

Why do we want to be more embodiment? Because that’s where divine intelligence lives. Consciousness is in every cell of our being and it’s waiting to be enlivened. 

Her rich and varied experiences—from three decades of ecovillage living and the practice of sustainable agriculture to her devotional Tantric path—prime her for sharing the teachings of the life/death/life mysteries.

End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course:

Click here for my: 13-week End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course information.

My free 7-day Email Mini-Course is available to enroll in here

Lee Warren

Death & Tantra Educator
End-of-Life Preparation Coach
Caregiver Support Ally

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