Video 1: Introduction to the course and instructor.
Video 2: Overview of people care at Earthaven, including the three-legged stool of sustainability metaphor and related models, impact of the mainstream focus on profit, and a definition of “ecovillage.”
Components of People Care
Video 3: Earthaven demographics, equity, spiritual beliefs, family structures, diet and lifestyle, and nature immersion.
Video 4: Social glue or social infrastructure, use of technology for social connection, neighborhoods, community work parties, food, spiritual celebrations, affinity groups, and visitors.
Video 5: Families of various types, relationships, children at Earthaven, and the joy of watching children grow into adults.
Video 6: Governance as a form of social connection. Life events, celebrations, seasonal rituals, spiritual practice, and holidays.
Celebrations and Challenges
Video 7: Celebrations of the ways in which our lives are on a path to thriving, including creating real wealth, multigenerationality, personal growth, shared infrastructure, and integrated lives.
Video 8: Challenges of living in community and at Earthaven, including conflict, break ups, lack of privacy, and overwhelm.
Video 9: Growing edges — the places where we’re aspirational — working towards partnership culture and against oppression of all kinds, and nurturing personal growth, interpersonal understanding, and mutual trust.