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Through an Intimacy with All of Life

Beyond Conscious Dying: 9 Essential Principles for Embracing End-of-Life
Digital Course for only $17

A self-paced online course through Earthaven Ecovillage

People Care at Earthaven Ecovillage

An Overview of the Social, Emotional, and Relational Aspects of Village Life

Self-Paced Online Course
Cost: $35

Culture at Earthaven Ecovillage is both intentionally and organically created based on both the people who come together and the purpose they hold dear. Examine the invisible infrastructure that binds us to each other, to the land, and to the ecovillage project.

We’ll discuss how we surf our similarities and navigate our differences; the various tools we use to negotiate the joys and challenges of daily life; our diversity of stances on politics, spirituality, and conflict; how we dance with the stages and phases of life (birth, children, marriage, divorce, death); as well as our ongoing awakening regarding issues of race and gender equity.

Explore with us the ups and downs of these central aspects of village life.

Nine videos totaling 56 minutes.
Each video has subtitles, includes resources, and transcription.
Lifetime access to this course.

Course Details:


Video 1: Introduction to the course and instructor.


Video 2: Overview of people care at Earthaven, including the three-legged stool of sustainability metaphor and related models, impact of the mainstream focus on profit, and a definition of “ecovillage.”

Components of People Care

Video 3: Earthaven demographics, equity, spiritual beliefs, family structures, diet and lifestyle, and nature immersion.

Video 4: Social glue or social infrastructure, use of technology for social connection, neighborhoods, community work parties, food, spiritual celebrations, affinity groups, and visitors.

Video 5: Families of various types, relationships, children at Earthaven, and the joy of watching children grow into adults.

Video 6: Governance as a form of social connection. Life events, celebrations, seasonal rituals, spiritual practice, and holidays.

Celebrations and Challenges

Video 7: Celebrations of the ways in which our lives are on a path to thriving, including creating real wealth, multigenerationality, personal growth, shared infrastructure, and integrated lives.

Video 8: Challenges of living in community and at Earthaven, including conflict, break ups, lack of privacy, and overwhelm.

Video 9: Growing edges — the places where we’re aspirational — working towards partnership culture and against oppression of all kinds, and nurturing personal growth, interpersonal understanding, and mutual trust.

To purchase the People Care self-paced online course, visit the SOIL website (Earthaven Ecovillage’s education non-profit.)


Lee Warren is reclaiming wisdom through conscious relating with self, land, and other. She has 25 years of experience envisioning, designing, and living innovative solutions to mutually empowered relationships, land-based and community living, regenerative systems, interpersonal communication, and sustainability education. She’s been living in rural intentional community since 1995 and at Earthaven Ecovillage since 2000. She is a co-founder, co-owner, and builder of the Village Terraces Cohousing Neighborhood, the co-founder and manager of Imani Farm, and the co-founder of SOIL, School of Integrated Living, whole-life skills for a radically different future. She is the principal and founder of Reclaiming Wisdom and a writer, teacher, and activist, with a passion for embodiment practices, rural wisdom, sustainable economics, conscious dying, and community of all kinds.