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Through an Intimacy with All of Life

Free Mini-Course: 7 days of lessons
re: end-of-life preparation—for any age and stage.

We are all mysteries to ourselves.

The older I get the more of a mystery life seems to me. As a dear friend often says, “I surprise myself everyday.”

Because of that, I very much appreciate the tools of self inquiry, not so much because they provide answers (they often deepen the questions), but because the process of inquiry is heart and mind opening.

Though thankfully, over time, the process of introspection has helped me lighten up, take more responsibility for my experiences, and cause myself and others less suffering.

I’ve been studying the Enneagram as a tool for self reflection and understanding since 2004. The Enneagram is a personality profiling system that helps us understand our internal map of reality and provides opportunities for transformation through getting to know ourselves.

For example, all of us have parts of us that are stuck in patterns of lack and fear and unworthiness. Yet contrary to what we’ve been taught, the best way to deal with those challenging patterns is to soften around them. My recipe for addressing these challenging places goes something like this:

  1. Noticing
  2. Making Space
  3. Getting Curious
  4. Becoming Friends

I’m thrilled to be offering an introductory overview of the Enneagram and how it applies to living a more soulful life. It’s happening on Sunday evenings from 7-8:30pm (eastern) on May 8, 15, and 22. We will discuss the basics of the Enneagram, how to self type, the wings, the inner triangle, the subtypes, and how to support an ongoing process of self inquiry. No prior Enneagram experience necessary. The sliding scale cost starts at $210 and goes down to $45. It’s important to me that this sacred information is available to everyone so please contact me if money is an issue. I hope you’ll consider joining me. Information and registration is here. I’ve done an entire video series on all 9 Enneagram types as an introduction of sorts. Feel free to check those out here.  Spring blessings to you. Lee Warren, Reclaiming Wisdom

Upcoming Education & Events:

Also, my dear friend and collaborator Mary Lane is launching a new online community project called Making Friends with Death. She and I recently had a kick off conversation for the project. It is here.
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Author: Lee Warren

Lee Warren is a death and tantra educator, somatic guide, writer, mystic, and community builder.  Lee’s work delves into the intimate relationship between our physical existence and the mysteries of life and death. She teaches how embracing the certainty of our mortality can transform fear into profound gratitude and ecstatic embodiment.

Why do we want to be more embodiment? Because that’s where divine intelligence lives. Consciousness is in every cell of our being and it’s waiting to be enlivened. 

Her rich and varied experiences—from three decades of ecovillage living and the practice of sustainable agriculture to her devotional Tantric path—prime her for sharing the teachings of the life/death/life mysteries.