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Through an Intimacy with All of Life

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End of Life Planning & Paperwork Workshop

An IN-PERSON Weekend Workshop (June 7-9) near Asheville, NC

Touching the Pulse of God: Ecstatic Sexual Secrets for Men

(and Those Who Love Them)

with Sacred Intimate Kenneth Darby and Sex & Intimacy Coach Brad Amberheart

Tantra Offerings
Email List

Due to the erotic nature of some of our Tantra Events, I keep a separate and distinct mailing list. You must opt in to be part of it. 

A journey of discovery, reverence for men’s pleasure, and increased repertoire of practices that allow for more sexual aliveness.  For single, coupled, gay, & straight men (and people of all genders who love them).

This is a a Body-to-Body, Heart-to-Heart, Explicitly Erotic Play-Shop for men and the humans who love them. This is not a couples workshop, although couples (of any gender) are welcome. These teachings are applicable to anyone with a sex life. This event is specifically curated as an all gendered space. We need at least half the group to be folks with cocks. Our intention is to spend the entire weekend focused on the body and psyche and emotions of men. Gay-identified, bi-identified, and straight identified men are all equally welcome. In fact, folks of every gender, orientation, and relationship style are welcomed and celebrated. 


Friday, June 7, 2024 6:30-9:30pm
Saturday, June 8, 2024 9am to 10pm
Sunday, June 9, 2024 9am to 5:00pm


Dancing Shiva Queer Tantra Monastery, Black Mountain, NC (50 minutes from Asheville, NC).

We’ll be immersed in a field of healing pleasure as a result of helping men through a  portal to ecstatic states of pleasure. As a result, we all enjoy the ride. Expect expansive whole bodied pleasure for everyone involved. 

“Most men’s sex ends with an ejaculation in 20 minutes or less. The skill of ejaculation control alone has the potential to completely turn men’s sex lives inside-out in a good way!”

Brad Amberheart

Topics Covered

The Ecstasy of Letting Go:

Activate your deepest sense of freedom and immense pleasure by learning to surrender into a space where you feel safe and reactivated by a sense of deep inner knowing that you’re off the hook! There’s no performance here–only celebration-and you get to enjoy the living fuck out of yourself!

Reclaiming Your Ecstatic Body:

Learn how to call on a Universal power greater than you–combined with tender, loving, kind, and sensual human touch–to activate your pleasure-body in a way which has been missing in our sex-deficient culture for far too long!

The Resounding Power of FUCK YES!

Forget about ever doing anything other than what thoroughly delights you! We’ll be practicing taking turns asking for exactly what we want, saying no to what we don’t want, and saying “fuck yes” to what we’re fully ready to enjoy!

Unlocking the Sacred Pelvis

Use your teeth (literally) to unlock your man’s pelvis.

Many of us are holding trauma which has lodged in our 2nd chakra (pelvis, sacrum) and can only be released in a safe, nurturing environment where we can fully free our voice and be met by a partner who knows exactly when to pause and breathe with us…and when to go in deep.

When this locked part of our body begins to open to sensation, we tend to clench, shut down, and guard ourselves. This important section of our play-shop is about fully meeting our man by primally “going in deep” to his most sensitive spots, while finding just the perfect communication to allow him to breathe…and release…a lifetime of unconscious tension which has held him back from fully experiencing whole-body orgasmic pleasure…until now….

Cum-Control and Body-to-Heart Pleasure

Access our toolbox full of special tricks for prolonged, body-body, heart-to-heart excitement:

  • Pelvic-Heart (Tantric) Rub-Downs
  • Lengthening the Spine & Head-to-Toe Touch
  • Sex Noise
  • Chakra Breathing & Partnered Tantric Breathing
  • Toning, Vibration, & Fuck-Noise
  • PC Muscle Contractions
  • Eye Contact
  • Creative Cock-Stroke Fun
  • Slowing Down and Pausing

Our Sex is Bigger than Us (ie. How to have Cosmic Sex)

Evolved, heightened Tantric sex begins and ends with an awareness that our SEX is of ultimate benefit to us, the people we love, and this world. Learn how to connect yourself with the bigger picture while you’re having sex. Take your sex to new levels by learning to hold an awareness of the support available to us in the Universe, and how our pleasure both feeds that Source and is fed by the Source.




Arrive and settle in. 


Welcome, Intimacy Building, Reclaim Your Ecstatic Body


9am to 10:30am


10:30am to 12pm

The Ecstasy of Letting Go. 


Extended lunchtime (all food is BYO).


Waking up the Hands. The Fine Art of Cock Massage.


Dinnertime (all food is BYO).


Sharing. Massage. Conversation. Integration.


9am to 10:30am


10:30am to 12pm

Remembering the Resounding Power of FUCK YES. Unlocking the Sacred Pelvis


Extended lunchtime (all food is BYO).


Cum-Control and Body-to-Heart Pleasure Play-Shop


Reflections. Closing.

Deeper Description

Practical tools for enhancing your pleasure and eroticism to healing our world!


The idea for this event started when Lee wanted Kenneth to teach her some cool “penis tricks” that she’d been hearing about for months. She figured that, as an erotic massage therapist working exclusively with men, Kenneth knew a lot of “techniques” he could teach her. 

Yet during a short demo of said “tricks,” it became very clear that this work was about so much more than how to stroke a cock. Beyond the skills, Kenneth brought a level of presence, attention, attunement that provided a  deeply reverent, whole-bodied approach to opening a man’s body to receiving pleasure. Kenneth’s focus on the subtle energies, heart pathways, and emotions of the man was the biggest yum of the experience. 

Brad, a long-time friend and collaborator of both Kenneth and Lee, as well as a sex and intimacy coach and general-all-around-shaman saw the demo and recognized how the level of presence Ken was demonstrating was a perfect foundation for bringing men and their lovers into more ecstatic, whole-body states during Tantric sex coaching. 

The demo was so powerful for everyone involved (men and women alike) in that it really opened our eyes to the myths that we hold about men and their sexuality. It gave us permission to slow down and take our time. It became clear that to approach a man with touch that is imbued with deep honoring is to open portals in him that are quite expansive. 

This workshop was born. 


We all know that sexual trauma in men starts young. Circumcision in infancy, discouragement of emotional expression, shame around self pleasuring, cultural homophobia, etc., lead many men to be very limited in their range of sexual expression. Sometimes men can be so locked up in their pelvic area that the muscle tension literally prohibits energy from flowing. Many men experience premature ejaculation challenges. Others related their sexuality to genital stimulation only. 


Through the course of these days together, through yoga, breathwork, movement and sound practices, visualization, emotional expression and release, whole-body massage, as well as comfort and sensual touch, we are gently inviting the body to open so that eros can more fully flow. Eros flowing means more breath into the ribcage and pelvis, more oxygen to the cells, releasing of stuck energy, and more life force available for creativity. 


We want men to feel more pleasure in their bodies and by doing so to heal the pain, and shame, and trauma that comes from growing up men in our upside down culture.

We are enthusiastically inviting an approach to men’s sexuality that is holistic and looks like whole-body expressions of desire, pleasure, receptivity, and eroticism. 

We are delighted by idea of men being more sexually alive, which to us means to be more intimate with life itself and the life force moving through us. 

We are imagining men leaving this playshop wired to be better lovers – with self and other/s.

We love the idea of men learning to receive. And in doing so receive more love, more capacity for expression, and more ability to feel valued, honored, and adored. We imagine this will heal the world. 

We want this event to foster between each man a deeper connection to self and others. 

We are thrilled about the image of men, in a whole-body ecstatic state, being witnessed and held by other men, by women, by community.  Time slows. There is no longer any separation. Gender hurt is healed, homophobia is healed. Fear is healed. In it’s place is curiosity, expansion, ecstasy, and bliss.  In a room full of people who are so ecstatic that they’re seeing God, what kind of healing is possible?


Focus on men: Putting our entire focus for an entire weekend focused on the sacred pleasure of men is one of our most important tools.

Focus on pleasure: Consciously deepening sexual pleasure invites a cracking open of our hearts, our bodies, our erotic nature, and our limitless potential.

Practices: Specifically on practices that expand the reverence for men’s bodies, emotions, and sexuality. Our aim is to make these practices accessible and replicable for ongoing use. 

Tantra: Tantra or sacred sexuality helps us explore the connections between our pleasure and our divinity within a context of deep honoring of the whole person (body, mind, and spirit). 

Presence: The tools of mindfulness, reflection, attunement, consent, guide us to connect more deeply with ourselves and our partners.

Consciously deepening sexual pleasure invites a cracking open of our hearts, our bodies, our erotic nature, and our limitless potential.

“Combine a bit of cum control with the simple knowledge that our hottest SEX is a catalyst for good health and tool to reconnect us with our sense of purpose in life, and SHA-BANG! We’ve got a recipe for an orgasm that never ends.”

Brad Amberheart 

Teaching Team

Kenneth Darby

Without realizing it, Kenneth has been pursuing Eros all his life, though sometimes erratically and frantically. Over three decades, he has honored my passions and talents for food, sex, and body celebration from a place of wild excesses to a place of directed wisdom. He has learned from many teachers, and is still determined to live on the edge of possibility for what it is to enjoy being human.

The way that we eat is the same as the way that we love and relate. Our relationship to our bodies and what we put in them is inextricably linked in the most intimate way. The way we touch and move, and how we breathe can carve a pathway to wholeness and love in all of our relationships from the most intimate, to those of fleeting acquaintanceship. In his practice of Sacred Intimacy, he embraces clients fully where they are in their own journey, helping them to unlock the secrets of their personal erotic potential.

Brad Amberheart

Sex & Intimacy Coach Brad Amberheart has guided groups and individuals world-wide for more than 20 years in the use of breath, whole-body pleasure, movement, sound, affirmation, and visualization to bridge the worlds of sex and soul’s purpose.

He has facilitated play-shops and embodied rites of passage at world-renowned Tantra festivals from Hawaii to the UK. He has studied and collaborated with many great pioneers in the Tantra world, while simultaneously creating his own unique blend of Tantra, sexual magic, and deep-nature wisdom.  He has also worked as a sex coach on 10 film sets with Himeros TV to produce more than 120 erotic videos designed to shift the essence of porn toward creativity, empowerment and authenticity.

Support Team

Lee Warren

Event Coordinator, Thought Partner, Presenter Support

Lee Warren is devoted to personal and collective liberation through reclaiming the wisdom woven into every cell of our beings. Her approach to this liberation is to romance the brilliance inherent in each one of us through cultivating a profound intimacy with self, others, and the mystery. Her focus is on education in three main areas: Sex, Death, & Community. The synthesis of this is the study and practice of TANTRA and mysticism. Her mission is to offer her leadership, learning, and insight in pleasurable service to the whole. Her vision is where folks are co-creating sane, pleasurable, integrated, cohesive, connected, and blissful lives. Within and without. 

Damon Sean Dickinson

Event Support, Housing Coordination

Damon Sean Dickinson a decades-long practitioner of breathwork, open-heart meditation, zen, shamanism, plant medicine, and 12 step recovery. As a 6/2 Projector in Human Design, he holds a specific and unique role as a mentor, guide, and support for others to embrace their authentic self and uncover their true essence. Damon Sean works with a variety of modalities such as Sedona Method, Flower Essences, NLP, Internal Family Systems, Tantra, and the simple yet profound art of letting go. Equally at home in the physical and metaphysical worlds, Damon Sean is a true Renaissance soul – weaving his life experience into his psycho spiritual integration coaching and his ongoing experimentation as a dad, partner, friend, and community member. 

Hannah Borababy

Thought Partner, Workshop Support

Hannah Borababy is a Sacred Intimacy Educator and Ritual Facilitator whose passion draws from a deep connection with the natural world and unseen realms. As a writer, Earth Magick practitioner and elemental channel, Hannah’s path is rooted in Conscious Sexuality and Sacred Embodiment. Certified in Flow Yoga & Essence Tantra, Hannah thrives by helping others connect with their essential nature by initiating and activating the sacred body temple, grounding in with the Earth, unlocking primal energy, cultivating healing relations, and unleashing the magic within. Learn more about her story and her work at

Shel Ryan

Thought Partner, Workshop Support
Shel Ryan is a Sacred Intimate, Dom, Intuitive Healer, & Workshop Facilitator whose skills encompass Sacred Intimacy, Tantra, Meditation, Breathwork, Mantra, BDSM, Music Therapy, Counseling, Death & Dying, Bereavement, and the Bach Flower Essence Remedies. He currently resides in the Hudson Valley of New York (45 minutes north of NYC) with plans to live between Western North Carolina and the Northeast. Shel has worked in the field of hospice & palliative care for over 19 years and has attended or staffed over 20 workshops with The Body Electric School for almost 13 years. You can learn more about him and his practice by visiting

Testimonials for Kenneth Darby

“Kenneth taught me how to ask for what I want during sex. How to have greater sexual self-worth. Enjoying small sensualities like undressing oneself or touching my body during a shower. This is rare, unique work. I am grateful to Kenneth for being my guide.”


“My session with Kenneth was quite informative. Things I never considered like relaxation and self awareness were just two of the techniques that Kenneth suggested. The session opened up myself to new avenues to work on to finding my own Eros. Thank you Ken for your assistance.”

– Graham

“I have never experienced anything like my session today! It was a complete body experience where I feel my mind, soul and body was in harmony and I released boundaries I put up regarding my desires and feelings. This is definitely worth exploring and experiencing.”

– Andrew

“I have had many many massages throughout my life.  However, the body work that Kenneth accomplishes is beyond any ordinary massage.  Beforehand he helped me understand the “body electric philosophy” that underlies his techniques and movements. I was molded into a self I did not know possible. This was a life enlightening experience.”

– Steven

Testimonials for Brad Amberheart

“Brad helped me really get past my negative self talk and create mantras that I am now using for my daily life. Brad helped me learn to access absolutely ecstatic emotions during sex—and in my career as a dancer. I have a deeper connection with my surroundings and my whole body.”

~Jim, San Diego, CA

“Working with Brad allowed me to see in actuality what I would like to receive from a partner. From juicy sensuality, to laughter, to holding emotional space, it was a template for future encounters. People are hungry for what you can provide, Brad…hungry to remember what it feels like to be seen, cherished and held as erotic beings, free from the need to perform for anyone else.”

~R.L., Chicago

“Of all of the things I learned with Brad, some of the most valuable were:  Slow down, take time, breathe mindfully, and enjoy the gift of sex. Under Brad’s guidance, I felt no pressure to perform, just to relax and enjoy whatever way of personal erotic expression I felt at the moment.”

~Dustin, Charlotte, NC

“Brad’s sex-coaching sessions were individualized to my story and my search for intersection between sexuality and all phases of my person: heart, mind, and soul. With the assistance of Brad, I made self discoveries of sexual attributes -as gifts-that I can offer to another man, sexually.  The experience gave me permission to explore multiple relationships, bringing all that is positive from them and offering that positive energy to others I come in to contact.”

~Carlos, Boise, ID

“Our sex could literally be transformed from “so-so” to mind-blowing, just by putting a few simple principles into regular practice.”

― Brad Amberheart

Food & Lodging

Overview: We are thrilled to be hosting this playshop at Dancing Shiva, a queer Tantra monastery. It’s private, rural, beautiful, and provides a gorgeous venue for our time together.

Ecovillage: Dancing Shiva is part of a rural ecovillage about 50 minutes outside of Asheville, NC. If you want to read up on Earthaven Ecovillage. 

Food: Food is Bring Your Own (BYO) for all meals. There is a shared kitchen in which to keep coolers and heat things up. The recommendation is to bring a majority of  pre-made meals that can either be ready to eat cold or warmed up easily. It’s not workable to go out for food since the closest grocery store and restaurant is an hour round trip down the mountain. 

Lodging: There is camping and indoor lodging at Dancing Shiva. Here’s the scoop:

  • There are 10+ camping spots in this beautiful ecovillage neighborhood. 
  • Facilities: There are indoor and outdoor showers in 2 locations, as well as 2 outdoor and 1 indoor composting toilet. 
  • Indoor lodging takes many forms including single rooms in container suites, shared rooms in a tiny house, and shared rooms in a group house.
  • Camping is $20/night per person and indoor lodging is $45/night per person. 
  • Mattresses are provided but you’ll need to bring your own bedding. Lodging consists of 8 double beds. 
  • There are no specific requests for indoor housing in advance of the workshop. Our housing coordinator will inform you of where you are staying. 


  • Every guest to the event pays a $6 Ecovillage Guest Fee (many thanks to the village for maintaining roads and water systems and all kinds of homegrown infrastructure over these many years). 

Site Slideshow

Photos of Site Location
Dancing Shiva, A Queer Tantra Monastery
@ Earthaven Ecovillage, Western North Carolina


What are the prerequisites for this event?

This playshop is for people who have a cock and would like to expand their experience of body and cock. It’s also for people who love cocks but might not have one.

This playshop is open to folx who feel drawn to be with us on this exploration. We strongly recommend you have comfort with nudity, sexual pleasure, and various expressions of love, touch, and care.  

This playshop, while nudity-positive, sex-positive, cock-positive, and pleasure-positive, is open to both beginners and advanced folks alike. 

We will not be vetting folks to attend but rather trusting the self-selection process. Opting into this event means you’re ready for the ride. 

What level of sexual expression will be happening at this event?

The intention of the event is for education and empowerment. We want what folx learn in this workshop to be life changing and ongoing. We want folx to have mind blowing sex from here on out! 

What we know from the emerging science of neuroplasticity is that we can rewire our brains and nervous systems in a fraction of the time and with a fraction of repetition if we repattern through PLAY. Therefore, interactive one-on-one and group play is by far the best way to learn and integrate the information we’re practicing.

Our intention is to create space for folks to be as erotic and sexual as they might feel to be. Not everyone will want that and that’s completely ok. All folx can play to the level of their comfort. 

We expect that as men awaken to the potential inside of them through touch, attention, attunement, and lots of care, that things will get very juicy. We want to encourage, support, and celebrate men and their lovers to reap the benefit of this juice and enjoy it in the moment.

This is a cock-positive, sex-positive, and pleasure-positive space.

Why is this an all gendered space?

This workshop is about learning to love on cocks and their owners in an all gendered space.

All three of us (Ken, Brad, & Lee) are inspired by all-gendered spaces and blending of different sexual orientations under one umbrella.

Some folks from the gay community and some folks from the straight community may not be drawn to this kind of space but we find it invigorating.

Ken: “My relationship with yoni clad folks has increased my pleasure and depth with men.”

Brad: “My sex life jumped to a new level when I learned how to be a fag in bed with women.”

What do women get out of this?

For women who love cock’s this is a great opportunity to:

  1. Learn how to honor men, men’s bodies, men’s phallises, their arousal process, and their deep pleasure. 
  2. To be in a room full of men experiencing pleasure and being vulnerable.
  3. To cultivate a better sex life by encouraging their men to be better and more embodied lovers. They do this by learning how to enjoy themselves more and leaning into prolonged energy and higher states of expanded love making. 
    How will you handle gay and straight guys in the same space?

    Gay men and straight men have many of the same issues. A lifetime of focus on genital stimulation as the only means of sexual expression has left men of all orientations with a host of limitations including disconnection from the body, premature ejaculation, self confidence issues, and a split between the heart and the cock.

    We are more alike than different. And we can all learn from each other. Mixed orientation spaces are the way forward for many of us. 

    While there will be plenty of erotic play and expansion this space is not intended as a hookup scene. Full consent is encouraged every step of the way. 

    If I come with my partner can I work with them the entire time?

    Absolutely. We are prepared to accommodate couple’s who want to stay together all weekend. 

    Also, we’re aware that those folks without cocks may be in “give” mode much of the weekend. And folks with cocks may be in receive mode much of the weekend. 

    There is certainly an invitation (but not a requirement) to get hands on multiple folks and experience the hands of multiple folks. To that end there will be opportunities to work in pairs, or small groups, or set back and witness. 

    We’re trusting that given all the possibilibies that everyone will get their needs met at least some of the time.

    How are you defining partner?

    However you want to define it. Could be a long time lover, an intimate partner, a fuck buddy. 

    Will you do a women’s version of this course?

    That’s the plan. And in an all gendered space. Stay tuned for details.

    Price Details:

    Solo Registration Fees:

    $600 starting 6/1/2024

      Duo Registration Fees:

      $1200 $1080 starting 6/1/2024

      Solo or Duo?

      The Duo registration fees apply when you bring a lover, fuck buddy, or friend. If you have a group of three or more, please be in touch. We can create special pricing for you and invoice you.


      If you need financial support for attending, please fill out this form. There are no full scholarships available but we can likely offer scholarships of $50, $75, or $100 off of the Solo fee. Partner rates are already discounted so the scholarships are limited.

      This workshop’s capacity is 30. It will likely sell out. The earlier you register the better. There are no refunds for this workshop.


      By filling out the below registration form, I agree to the following:

      • I have read this entire webpage and am self-selecting for this event. I agree to fill out the intake form.
      • I agree to be alcohol and drug free during this event.
      • I acknowledge that this is an all gendered group.
      • I understand the rural nature of the event site including dirt roads, stone steps, uneven pathways, outhouses, outdoor showers, and rustic accommodations.
      • I agree to bring all my own food to the event.
      • I’m aware that this event is not a therapeutic environment and that I am asked to contribute to and co-create the safety and resilience of the container. 
      • I’m aware that this event is nudity-positive, sex-positive, pleasure-positive, and cock-positive.
      • I agree to take full responsibility for myself at this event including self-regulation, empowered decisions, and care for the whole.
      • I agree to care for others by bringing my best  communication skills, witnessing capacity, emotional literacy, and an ability to be vulnerable with self and others.
      • I understand the community minded aspect of this event and I come prepared to help out, support, and participate. That could look like: rotating in or out of receiving role, cleaning up the space, bringing extra food to share, making an ice run for coolers, supporting folks new to the community, offering emotional support as needed, or any number of other things that grease the wheels of the whole.
      • By participating in or attending this event, I assume all risks, known or unknown and agree to indemnify and hold harmless all parties from any loss, liability, damage, or cost that may incur arising out of this event whether caused by negligence or otherwise.
      • I understand the activities of this event may involve emotional, spiritual, relational, or physical risk. These are risks I’m willing to take.
      • Upon registration, I am willing to fill out the intake survey (received after registering) to support the facilitators in crafting the best workshop possible. 
      • I understand that there are no refunds for this workshop. 

      Tantra Offerings

      Due to the erotic nature of some of our Tantra Events, I keep a separate and distinct mailing list. You must opt in to be part of it.