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Through an Intimacy with All of Life

Free Mini-Course: 7 days of lessons
re: end-of-life preparation—for any age and stage.

What is Embodied Dying?


During a recent conversation I found myself saying the phrase “embodied dying.” Since that phrase came out of my mouth I’ve curious about it. What does that mean? What does it look like? How does that tie into my embodiment practice as well as my death contemplation? What is the mystical interpretation of it? So I’ve been sitting with these questions. And here’s an article that’s come out of the inquiry…..
Embodied DyingHow becoming embodied can open us up to the mysteries of life and death.

The spark of life that ignites and animates our form is reliant on the body for existence and evolution. It’s an always fascinating question to consider that spark of life. We’ve all seen dead things–birds or pets or farm animals or humans–and marveled at the lack of aliveness.

Where did their aliveness go? It was just right here and now it’s gone. Something has left the body behind.

The mystery of the cycle of life and death is usually left for the poets to ponder. And yet even the non-poets among us can sense that there is a partnership here, the yin and the yang of matter and spirit.

“As we learn to tolerate embodiment, grow accustomed to sensations of all types, and build capacity for discomfort, we start to become more resourced, more integrated, more resilient.”

Even though the body is our physical instrument of existence, so many of us are deeply disassociated from our bodies due to trauma. This trauma often started in our earliest days, months, and years of life through attachment wounding, generations of family dysfunction, and under-resourced caregivers. Yet underlying these fraught origins in our family systems are a myriad of societal oppressions and an incoherent and pathological culture stemming from the disconnection from the sacredness of all of life.

“As we embrace the certainty of our own death we start to taste the ecstasy of impermanence. Instead of terror we feel grateful. Instead of dread we feel divine intelligence. Instead of resistance we feel willing participation.”

Read the Full Article….


I’m taking all my courses off the calendar for the rest of the summer to focus on my personal life and to incubate this emerging body of work (here’s a sneak preview).Despite the lack of courses, it is my intention to send a weekly newsletter with a contemplation prompt or article or some kind of offering. My motivation for this is to offer an ongoing voice for intimacy with all of life, to stay connected to folks on my mailing list through regular gifts, to enjoy the creative flow and regular habit of writing, and to honor my desire to serve the whole through my existence. Thank you for your ongoing interest in my work. ~Lee Warren, Reclaiming Wisdom


Community Resourses


Pros & Cons of Community Living

In this conversation, which took place last month as part of the Intentional Community Summit, Cynthia Tina interviews Lee Warren about finding right relationship to the collective, preparation for community, helpful attitudes, and more.
Watch Here >>>

Death Resources


Walking Towards A Good Death

This course is no longer being offered but there’s a free recording of the Q&A session we held in February of 2023. We talk about the course and give some good tidbits. It’s worth a listen.
Listen Here >>>
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End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course:

Click here for my: 13-week End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course information.

My free 7-day Email Mini-Course is available to enroll in here

Lee Warren

Death & Tantra Educator
End-of-Life Preparation Coach
Caregiver Support Ally

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Author: Lee Warren

Lee Warren is a death and tantra educator, somatic guide, writer, mystic, and community builder.  Lee’s work delves into the intimate relationship between our physical existence and the mysteries of life and death. She teaches how embracing the certainty of our mortality can transform fear into profound gratitude and ecstatic embodiment.

Why do we want to be more embodiment? Because that’s where divine intelligence lives. Consciousness is in every cell of our being and it’s waiting to be enlivened. 

Her rich and varied experiences—from three decades of ecovillage living and the practice of sustainable agriculture to her devotional Tantric path—prime her for sharing the teachings of the life/death/life mysteries.