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Through an Intimacy with All of Life

Free Video: Supportive, comprehensive, step-by-step approach
to preparation for death—at any age and stage.

An end-of-life preparation success story….

Here’s what a past End-of-Life Preparation student, Peggy Crowe, wrote to me this summer:

“I want to thank you so much for your End-of-Life Preparation workshop. Throughout the course I was inspired to talk to my adult kids but because of our family dynamics, I could never find the right time or way to do so.

But the right time found me!

I ended up at the Hospital Emergency Room at 11:30pm on Sunday night with my blood pressure through the roof, very concerned doctors, and a whole day of testing!

This got everyone’s attention. And as a result we were forced to have the discussions that I’ve been putting off.

And thanks to what I learned from you and with input from my kids, I’ve completed my documents and have finalized everything this week. I know for certain that this would have turned out very differently if I hadn’t taken your workshop.

Because of the open dialog, my son, who I was concerned would be overly emotional, was clear-eyed and confident and supported me with a gameplan.

You saved my family’s future!

It’s been both weird and wonderful experience to come out of this dire situation into this much gratitude. I’m actually giddy about all of the wonderful things that have presented themselves to me.”

Death is an invitation to keep your heart open

I’m so touched by her share and success story and it really lights me up when I hear stories like this!!

In honor of family and friends taking my upcoming 13-week End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course (which starts 9/17) together, I’m offering a big deal discount: 50% off one of the registrations if you join at the same time as a family member. Click this link to access the offer. It’s good until Tuesday, August 27, at 6pm.

I look forward to you joining if it feels aligned for you. Maybe you can also also share a success story in the future.

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End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course:

Click here for my: 13-week End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course information.

My free 7-day Email Mini-Course is available to enroll in here

Lee Warren

Death & Tantra Educator
End-of-Life Preparation Coach
Caregiver Support Ally

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