Initially aired on Pripo’s podcast “Relationships, Let’s Talk About It” in November of 2020. Found here.
Our country is rife with political conversations that tend...
Tensions are Rising as the Election Approaches
Originally published on the SOIL blog and newsletter in October 2020, here.
Rural Regions
Earthaven Ecovillage lies in the heart of rural Western NC, in Rutherford County, one of the poorest counties...
Can we Love our Political Enemies?
Originally published in Elephant Journal here.
I have friends and, more importantly, community members I depend on, on both sides of the fence.
Because of this, and at the risk of upsetting all of...
Support Small Scale Animal Agriculture – II
This is part of the ongoing response to the ongoing debate featured in Part I.
Supporting Small Scale Animal Agriculture
Hi Caitlin & Others,
I too appreciate the ongoing dialog. I think...
Supporting Small Scale Animal Agriculture
In 2016 there as an uproar over an educational event that featured a sheep slaughter. Below are some of the details. My thoughts were featured in an opinion article, originally published in the Mountain...