Author: Lee Warren
Lee Warren is reclaiming wisdom through conscious relating with self, land, and others. She has 25 years of experience envisioning, designing, and living innovative solutions to mutually empowered relationships, land-based food systems, residential community, non-violent communication, and sustainability education. She is the principle and founder of Reclaiming Wisdom, a co-founder of SOIL, School of Integrated Living, and a proponent of regenerative systems, consent culture, and authentic living. Lee is a writer, teacher, and activist, with an passion for embodiment practices, rural wisdom, sustainable economics, conscious dying, and community of all kinds.
A Journey of External and Internal Preparation for Folks of ANY Age and Stage.
End-of-Life Preparation
A 13-week Immersion Course from Fall Equinox to Winter Solstice 2024
This is a practical,...
Intimacy with Death, Intimacy with Life—A Mystical & Tantric Journey Towards Ecstasy, Embodiment, and Exquisite Aliveness
A Six-Month Deep Dive
Intimacy with Death, Intimacy with Life
—A Mystical & Tantric Journey Towards Ecstasy, Embodiment, and Exquisite Aliveness.
Join us for this six-month...
Intimacy in Community: A Somatic Exploration CANCELLED
An IN-PERSON Creative Playshop
Intimacy in Community: A Somatic Exploration
Building Sacred Community through the Experiments of Embodiment, Attachment, & Conscious Relating
Black Mountain,...
Exploring Embodiment
Exploring Embodiment
Using the Tools of Ecstasy and Grief to achieve more EMBODIMENT
In our journey through life, our bodies are not just vessels; they are the sacred texts through which the...
The Path of the Pioneer—What it means to be a death explorer…
The Path of the Pioneer
What it means to be a death explorer…to see the gift of death!
I start all my death-related courses with an introduction to my three death philosophies, which are:
Death is an invitation to keep our hearts open
Death is an invitation to keep our hearts open—Even though and especially because…it’s vulnerable.
This call to openness and vulnerability is a vital practice as we face the concept of mortality.
Will my End-of-Life Wishes be Honored? Three Tips to Ensure They Are!
Will my End-of-Life Wishes be Honored?
Three Key Tips to Ensure they are.
End of life directives are often carried out by the people closest to us. If you’ve thought about end-of-life preparation,...
The Yin & Yang of Existence: Using the natural forces of opposites to help us cultivate an internal awareness
The Yin & Yang of Existence
Using the natural forces of opposites to help us cultivate an internal awareness.
According to Daoist wisdom, Yin and Yang are not just forces; they are the life...
The Gift of Aging—Seeing the Aging Process with Kinder Eyes
The Gift of Aging—
Seeing the Aging Process with Kinder Eyes
Modern culture is youth obsessed.
But aging is not an accident. It’s an elegantly designed and natural unfolding. Aging is a gift....
Topics Covered in End-of-Life Preparation Immersion Course
Topics in the End-of-Life Immersion Course
External & Internal Preparation
—for Death & Dying
Join me for a transformative 13-week end-of-life preparation deep dive this fall. We...
Conscious Dying: Turning Inward as a Profound Practice at Any Stage of Life
Conscious Dying:
Turning Inward as a Profound Practice
—at Any Stage of Life
As we journey through life, focused on the things that matter to us, most of us rarely think about dying. In fact,...
Beginner’s Checklist for End-of-Life Document Preparation—The Three Buckets of Paperwork
Beginner’s Checklist for
End-of-Life Document Preparation
—Three Buckets of Paperwork
One of the most practical aspects of end-of-life preparation is the paperwork. But it can be overwhelming...